It Doesn’t Always Get Easier

Hey guys,

Sorry(again) for the delay in posts but I’m here now and thought I’d give y’all an update. It’s official, new treatment for my Crohn’s is set to begin this month (yikes!), I’m being put on Humira. And to be totally honest, I am not too thrilled about it, it wasn’t my first choice of medication but even after an appeal this is what my insurance says they’re gonna pay for so it looks like I’ve gotta suck it up and give it a shot (pun intended). Humira is definitely more convenient than the medication I originally wanted (Remicade) but the downside is it can be a real hassle if I’m traveling with it and you all KNOW I have a phobia of needles…and they want me to inject myself. No thank you. I’m just gonna hope for the best. It could always be worse. I’m not alone, I’ve got an awesome support system! You all never stop amazing me.

That’s not all I wanted to talk about in this post. I wanted to talk a little bit more about how I’ve been feeling. Because that is essentially what this blog has become. An outlet for my many frustrations, a place to celebrate when I’m having a good day, and of course where I come to for a little extra moral support. Anyways, as some of you probably know I recently moved into a dorm on campus. I share the bathroom with three other girls. Having Crohn’s, that isn’t always the most convenient thing. If you have it then you know exactly what I mean. We’ve all had those really embarrassing potty emergencies. I’ve been 100% honest with my roomies about my Crohn’s and everything that comes along with it. They’re awesome and have been very understanding. But it’s not always easy. And I’m not just talking about sharing the bathroom. I mean, I’m in college and this is the time when I’m supposed to be finding myself, right? Sometimes I feel like that’s more of a challenge for me because of this disease.  Going out to events or parties, making new friends, getting a job, sometimes even just going to class is hard. Crohn’s doesn’t rule my life, I’m way too stubborn to let it. But it sure as hell hasn’t made it easy to be in control.

Recently, I’ve been getting frustrated with my situation. I don’t like it. I wish I didn’t have to deal with it. I was in the middle of throwing myself a little pity party when I came across a few young ladies who, like me, are living with Crohn’s disease. Their stories are incredible and they made me realize a few things; my case is not the worst one out there. Not even close. And that with or without Crohn’s life doesn’t always get easier.

So, I’ve made a promise to myself. I promise to laugh more. To laugh my way through the awkward and embarrassing times.  I promise to wake up and put on my hot pink Nike’s and throw my hair in a ponytail and try to walk with as much confidence to the gym as I did before. I may not be able to do all that I did before but that doesn’t mean this is the end of the world. I’m going to live my life to the fullest.

Life with Crohn’s will probably never get easier. But if I have a better attitude and if I give it some time I know it can get better.


That’s it for this post y’all!

Until next time,


One thought on “It Doesn’t Always Get Easier

  1. Traveling with Humira is actually pretty easy. You wrap the box of pens in ice packs and put it in a plastic bag in your luggage that goes through security. The box has the prescription label on it. I never got questioned when I was travelling. The hardest part is remembering each week for me (typically its prescribed every other week, I have heard every 10 days or weekly like me- so it depends on the person) to poke myself with a needle. I too am not a fan of needles. But it does the trick to mute my symptoms. I have faith that you can do it too! 🙂 Stay strong!

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